Tuesday, December 7, 2010

It's December Already

Yes - it's December already. Many times I've come to stare at this blog, thinking I should write something, with thoughts swirling in my head, only to click the "x" at the top of the page - because I somehow thought I had to write something long and profound.

Today I'll just put down some little tidbits.

Today --
  • I decorated my house for the birthday of my King - playing "O Come Let Us Adore Him".
  • Talked to my son on the phone -- it was a blessing
  • Prayed for my best friend over a phone call before she went to the doc for a test
  • Talked to my daughters on the phone -- was a blessing.

I guess you could say the telephone was a blessing today.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Top "10" books

I was challenged to put down my top "10" books. This is a challenge because I LOVE to read and read almost 4 books per month. I started writing down everybook I read with comments a few years ago because I suspected I was re-reading a book half way into it and I was also facilitating a bookclub so wanted to remember what we had read.

It might be easier to make my top 10 books I didn't like, and this list may change next year - but here goes. Actually I think I'm going to re-read these in 2011 - so that should help me make my list.

1. The Politically Incorrect Wife by Nancy Cobb and Connie Grisby
2. The Power of a Praying Wife by Stormie Ormartian
(God used these books to change my marriage and show me how wonderfully He designed a woman's role. I now have a passion for helping other women and have a top 10 list of marriage books.)
3. What Happens When Women Walk in Faith by Lisa Terkeurst
(God challenged me and changed my direction as I listened to His promptings and quit my job, spent time with my dad, and He directed my path.)
4. Making Jesus Lord by Loren Cunningham
5. Holiness by Henry Blackaby
(These books started showing me the importance of surrender and living by the power of the Holy Spirit.)
6. Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire by Jim Cymbala. (I love books on prayer - it's another of my passions.)
7. Calvary Road by Roy Hession (radial living)
8. Victory Over Darkness by Neil Anderson (know our identity in Christ - who we really are)
9. Emma's Journal by Ed Rowell (a fiction makes the list - I should have a top 10 fiction - this is about living for Him and learning and growing no matter what our age)
10. Experiencing His Presence by Tommy Tenney (challenged me - I read it slowly)

  • If I had to give One Book to someone to read - it would be the Bible. Without God's life giving words I would be lost.
  • If I could have only One Book - it would be the Bible - the Only Truth we have in this world.
  • I would give up reading All books - to have one copy of the Book written by the lover of my soul - the Book that shines light and life into me.
  • I don't care if you ever read any of the books on my top 10 list - but I have a burning passion for all to read the Bible and let it's power change their lives.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Farm visits

The lazy days of summer go fast ... although on the farm there are very few lazy days.

My days are "full" when the kids and grandkids come home and we make memories, messes, roasted marshmellows -- and many miracles!

Nate the Great - our one and only son, came home in June bringing alot of Joy with him - that is Mariah Joy, someone special God has put in his life. I loved seeing the farm through her eyes - as she loves the Creator and all He has given us. She's a night-owl and a risk taker -- climbing to the top of the quonset and doing a little barn raiding.

July 4th we celebrated with the Jensen's, everything being a thrill through Miracle's eyes and Matthias just smiling through it all. We put our son-in-law to work making haybales for the 1st time and it was quickly noted - as we drove along the countryside and saw other bales that they were the best bales ever made! Prayers with Miracle on my prayer chair where she makes sure I say A-men instead of Ah-men (like my gramma Evenrud) are instilled in me forever.

Being honest - I like it that Link - our 18 month old grandson - really likes me and doesn't take much to grandpa -- or even seem to like him. He's very interesting to watch as he has to figure out how the toy works more than he plays with it. Kora, his 4 month old sister, is cuter than cute -- and smiles as much as she spits at this point - but we don't care! Everyone who sees her is taken with her big brown eyes and all her brown hair sticking up from the latest trendy headband.

All 6 Breker's descended and filled the house. The energy, enthusiasm and never-ending creativy were obvious. Grandpa is definitely #1 and fishing, fieldwork, and the 4-wheeler found 2 little boys at his side. The entire house became a library as little Miss Reader went to the bookmobile and read every book we brought home. I loved taking a sneak peak when she was playing in her "own space" - making cards for her mom or lining up the prayer bears for a special service. My little soft hearted Noah blessed me with "The 3 Bears" puppet show and loved the weater balloons - 75 balloons were not enough, I'll have more next t ime. Little Gideon keeps up with it all whether at the zoo or on the clue hunt - and is so smart you forget he's only 3. Benaiah's likes to have his mom in view - but I did sneak in some special "just the 2 of us" moments.

Then to top it off 4 more of our favorite kids came out to visit (with their parents minus one dad) - Ryland, Collin, Kera, and Braden - now Texans - yelled and squealed with delight at running through the thick bush of weeds and jumping in the canola -- bringing what seems like half the field with them back to the house. We are indeed blessed and consider them part of our family, having a strong bond glued together by the love of Christ.

It was a week full of fun and fantastic moments which we've finally (maybe) recovered from!

Looking forward.......waiting in a clean and organized and quiet house.......for the sound of little voices and little fingerprints to come once again.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Blow your socks off miracles

A prayer

~~ May I hear your voice above all others
~~ May I following the Spirit's promptings
~~ May I DO Your Word Lord. (yes it's WORD = not a typo)
~~ Take me to a higher level of obedience.

When I prayed this prayer on April 30th - I had no idea what God was up to. He's always up to something -- and it's always miraculous and blows my socks off.

I also prayed for God to give me "supernatural ability and strength" when I traveled to Minneapolis for I could "use my gifts for Him". And HE did.

Blow your socks off miracles:

~~My "connected thru the heart" daughter from India called me the 1st night I was there (she didn't know I was in the cities), and I led her in a prayer to receive Jesus as her Lord and Savior. There are no words to describe this than to say "Our God is An Awesome God!"
~~My 7 year old grand-daughter Emma was sitting beside me on the couch and listening to me pray with Rushe. How special is that! I'm sure God had His reasons for this -- so this is .... to be continued as God writes the story....
~~Praying with and for Miracle - my 2 year old granddaughter - and every time I said AH-men - she would say A-men -- this also, will be continued ....
~~Taking care of Miracle and Matthias and my shoulders and back DID NOT hurt! I had claimed Zechariah 10:12, "You WILL strengthen me and I WILL walk up and down in Your name."

~~Sharing and talking with my sister about things dear and near to our hearts, promising to pray.
~~Meeting with a woman I had never met - a God connection thru my friend, Lisa, who ministers to her. I had been praying for her and God gave me specific verses to give her. I had nothing to give - but God did through me. May God strength and mold her through this encounter.
~~Meeting and praying with another woman I had never met - a God connection through her sister (whom I barely know). This was very encouraging and strengthening for both of us. I consider her a gift from God to me.
~~Buying a Bible with Rushe - a new daughter IN Christ and becoming her mentor.

When I think about it -- all of these are going to be continued ......
I wrote in my journal upon my return from this trip, "No words, not even thoughts or emotion can even come close to Who You are Lord." In Psalm 145 it says, "Your Greatness NO ONE can fathom." I thank the Lord He has let me glance - how favored I am to see :

~~His Mighty Acts
~~His Glorious Splendor
~~His Wonderful Works
~~His Great Deeds
~~His Abundant Goodness

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Cough, cough, cough --

Coughing - that's what I've been hearing lately.
It's so loud it gives me a headache.
It keeps me from sleeping all night.
It can be downright irritating.

I used to get mad about it.
I used to think "what's wrong with you? quit already."
I used to not understand at all.
I really hated coughing.

Now when I hear it -- I pray.
Pray for healing.
Pray for God to "have His way".
Pray for direction.

I pray for the man who is coughing.
A man who seeks the Lord.
A man who asks others to pray for him to "be obedient to God's voice."
A man who is gentle and humble and who loves his enemies.

No, coughing is not good.
But he's committed to me
And I'm commited to him (even though I may cover my ears)
I'd rather have him coughing than not at all.

Standing Firm in this thing called
Marriage ........
Wearing glasses ....
Made by God.

Saturday, April 3, 2010


"Do you have any scars, Marilyn?" my husband asked me as we were lying in bed.

We had just driven home from our church's Good Friday Service, focused on the Cross of Christ. We caught the end of a message on the radio by a wise old minister, Adrian Rodgers. He reminded us that Jesus had scars and that we are not going to get out of this world without scars; and that our scars can be our greatest ministry. We can say to others "here are my wounds, red and raw and bloody, but Jesus has healed them." We can tell others to bring their wounds, their scars to Jesus.

"Yes," I answered and turned on my side, pretending to go to sleep. "And Jesus has healed them," I thought.

~~~ When I was 9 years old, my sister died. I had a huge scar, missing her and remembering I had not always been a kind sister.

~~~ The scars of being teased by peers and rejected because I wasn't good enough - and always chosen last ran deep in my school years.

~~~Selfish scars formed from my own decisions in college, living lies that controlling my own life was the better choice.

~~~Scars formed from my ignorance of what it meant to be a godly wife to my husband.

~~~Mothers are going to get scars, and I have many. But these scars are different. For even before they were ripped and raw, salve was being applied, holding them together as I watched, waited and cryed out in prayer for the lives of my children.

~~~Losing my mom, then my dad -- these scars were also different - mixed with sorrow and joy.

Yes, I've had scars. And because of His scars, mine are healed. I praise Him for my scars and for the privledge of using them to help bring healing to others.

"For to this you were called, because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, leaving us an example that you should follow in His steps, "who committed no sin, nor deceit found in His mouth", who when He was reviled, did not revile in returned; who when He suffered, He did not threaten, but committed Himself to Him who judges righteously, who Himself bore our sins on His own body on the tree, that we, having died to sin, might live for righteousness - by His stripes we are healed! [I Peter 2:21-24]

Jesus was born. He suffered for me and you . He died and was buried and is alive again. Shout it out - Jesus is Alive! Christ the Lord has risen! Give Him your scars and rise up!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

What are you wearing?

What are you wearing today?

Did you put on the clothes that the Lord picked out for you?
I’m sure they were lying neatly on the bed waiting for you to put them on?
I’m sure He was there to help in case you thought some of them seems a little tight.
They ALL fit perfectly – even thought sometimes you don’t think so.

He wants to clothe you…
With Joy
With Patience
With Peace
With Kindness
With Goodness
With Gentleness
With Self-control
With LOVE.

They are beautiful and fit perfectly
The more you wear them
They will be your favorite things to put on
You’ll never leave your bedroom without them
They are fresh and new every morning
You don’t get them at a 2nd hand store
And you can’t buy them with money
They are worth more than your whole wardrobe
So the ? is – are you going to keep picking out your clothes?
Are you going to keep putting on what you want?
Or will you let Jesus?
Will you wear what He has picked out for you?

Monday, March 8, 2010

He Calls Me Beautiful

Yes - He calls me beautiful.

I never thought I was.
I didn't like the way I looked.
I dreamed of being a gorgeous model.
I stared at other girls and wished I was like them.
I thought "if I grow my hair long" then I'll be beautiful.
I did - I wasn't.

Then I met Him.
And He called me beautiful.
Not once, but twice, 3 X's, 4X's and on and on.
"You're beautiful."

It took awhile, but I heard and I listened.
I looked in his eyes and saw that he meant it.
His voice was gentle and genuine.
I felt it in his embrace and in his touch.

He loves me.
He even loves me though he knows all about me.
More than anyone else - all the secrets.
And yet he loves me and
He calls me beautiful.

His name starts with "J'.
His name is Jesus.
His name is Jerry.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Grace blows on me

Amazing grace how sweet the sound
That save a wretch like me.......

wretch = a vile, destestable person reflecting the sorry state of an outcast or exile

vile = replusive, disgusting
detestable = hateful

I woke up with this song on my lips this morning.
Knowing that I am that wretched one and only His Amazing Grace saves me.

Jesus calls,
Will I answer?
Jesus sends,
Will I accept?
Jesus comes,
Will I let Him in?
Jesus reveals,
Will I listen?
Jesus heals,
Will I belief?
Jesus rescues,
Will I allow Him?
Jesus knocks,
Will I hear?
Jesus reaches,
Will I extend my hand?
Jesus washes,
Will I surrender?
Jesus loves,
Will I love?
Jesus died,
Will I weep?
Jesus rose,
Will I follow?

Monday, February 15, 2010

A stuffed nose and echoing ears

Yes - I have a cold. I feel like I'm sitting outside listening to the crickets (the noise in my ears) and I can't smell the fresh air or hardly breathe! (my stuffed nose) . My husband's has it bad too - his is wheezing and coughing and his cough can be heard a couple miles away and then there alot of spitting going on. Of yes, laugh if you must, we can't even sleep together. No it's a cough here, a cough there, a kleenix here, a kleenix there. And we're kinda .... dull....

Even though my senses have been dulled by Mr. Virus who came home with us from Minneapolis after an amazing weekend, God remains. His voice comes though, His aroma is still strong.


~~When I met a young single mom who needed to talk, God brought His word to my mind to share with her.
~~God prompted me to pray for a friend, write her an email and encourage her in a difficult marriage.
~~When my hubby prays with me - seems like this cold slowed him down and praying together again has been a Joy!
~~In His word - I'm reading through the Bible this year. Today I started in Leviticus - the book of worship. How appropriate and wonderful with my word being Praise this year!
~~He continues to teach me about His presence through devotionals and books. Right now I'm reading "Living the Lord's Prayer". I'll share some quotes later.
~~In the lives of the the 7 women in our community Bible study. They are a gift.
~~Through a young couple who we've sort of adopted, praying with them and listening, encouraging.

Everywhere we go and every experience we have we can hear His promptings and leave His aroma. How's your hearing? Is your nose stuffed up? What are you smelling lately?

2 Corinthians 2:15 - For we are the aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing.

Exquisite fragrance, a sweet scent rising up to the Lord. Now that's the kind of thing I want to smell.

Monday, January 25, 2010

The 3 P's

Praise -- the 1st word that the Lord gave me for 2010. "Let all that I am Praise the Lord; with my whole heart, I will praise His Holy name." The Lord is calling me to Praise Him this year. How can I do that?

  • I'm playing a praise song to start my prayer time. I put my CD's nearby and God seems to direct me to which song to play. (Of course I have a good selection - I love music.)
  • I listen to Him and write down words that seem to pop out of the song or off the pages of my Bible
  • I count my blessing -- and there are a million (I guess I can't count ALL of them everyday). I'm really trying to have a grateful heart.

I love Praising Him -- alone, in church, or in the car singing loud with my hubby.

Why do I praise Him? I read somewhere that praise is a powerful tool because God's presence comes to dwell in our midst when we worship Him.

PRESENCE - that's the 2nd word the Lord is giving me.

In His presence I will find healing and transformation for my life. Why do I need this?

  • I am selfish & want to be more like Jesus and put Him in 1st place. I wrote in my journal a prayer about having a "hungry plea for His presence".
  • I want healing - for different things in my life, one being my shoulder/neck/feet pain -- I want to prepare a place for His presence in my life and focus on Him, not my pain.
  • As Jesus touches my heart with His presence He transforms me - not into a better person - but His. That blows me away!

Then HE send me His POWER - that's the 3rd word in the P group. His Gentle Holy Power. The Power He left us. It never ceased to amaze me. He sends me His power when I pray with others, when I hear myself giving them His words, with tears come for lost loved ones. I see His power through my hubby when he teaches God's word to others, I read about His power through others testimony on these blogs, I hear His Power today in the fierce and strong wind, I feel His power through the love of others.

Praise Him today.

Inquire & Require His Presence as a vital and daily need in your life.

Seek His Power and hand over the reigns over your life so His Power can flow through you every part of you!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Have Your Way.

Lying in bed the other night and trying to get to sleep......annoyed by my husband's persistent and loud coughing (we call it the Haugen cough), the Lord gave me this 4 word prayer ....
Lord, Have Your Way.

Have Your way, Lord

Not my way.

Your way.


I-- is off the hook.
I -- is not in charge.
I -- does not need her way.
I -- no longer has to worry or fret or plan or have an agenda.
I -- never had control anyway.

Have Your way, Lord.

He is already answering this prayer..........and what a Joyful, Peaceful, Amazing
WAY it is.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Words Put Before Me

Reading is a great love of mine. I read books, magazines, devotionals, the Bible, saying on cards, words on pictures. Many times when I'm reading someone I know comes to my mind and I send them a Bible verse, a paragraph from a book I'm reading, or a cute saying. Here's a few things I've been reading lately that really caught my heart.

~~~ At the "perfect" age of 120, Moses caught a NEW vision of the promises of God. So, how about asking God to help you grow in faith beyond anything you have known yet. Anna spoke words over the newborn Christ, words that strengthened the faith of many. Why not ask God to give you words for others that will give life and strength?

~~~Is your body lying down, and your mind sitting up? If anxious thoughts keep you awake, ask the Lord to quiet your heart and give you the faith to be able to relax and let Him solve the problems that disturb you. (Read Psalm 4)

~~~The Bible is an expression of the very heart of God.

~~~Uncertainties can dominate and rule a person's life. Do we have to have all the answers? Do we need all the whys answered? Faith is not trusting in your understanding of the circumstances. Faith is trusting in His Word! The enemies of God will use fear, discouragement, and frustration to wear down those who are following God in obedience. We must keep our EYES on Jesus....for the EYE of God is on us. (Read Ezra 5)

~~~There's no other name by which I am saved. The world has nothing for me. CAPTURE ME WITH GRACE.

~~~So let's:

PURSUE God --- more than ourselves
DRAW Closer to God ---- more than entertainment (TV, computer, sports, etc.)
BE GROUNDED ------- know God and know ourselves

Monday, January 4, 2010

It's a NEW year!