Tuesday, May 31, 2022


 God is.

God is right here.

And He reminded me this morning.

Those old feelings wanted to creep in.  Those false notions that I am not valued, I am not respected.  Who cares?  Your opinion don't matter.  Nobody wants to hear.  You have nothing to offer.

The enemy wants to redirect me, sway me, get me to turn.

BUT God is.  He is right here.  He nudged me to "put on a praise song".  This is something I used to do every morning to start my prayer time.  I've gotten away from it because of my ears - not hearing enough, picking up too much twang, just not being right.  I'm trying to overcome my ears!  So this morning, being the old fashioned gal that I am, I open my laptop and then went to Spotify and clicked on one of my many Praise lists.  A beautiful song by Jason Lavik came on... "I Need Thee every hour, Most gracious Lord." "I Need Thee, O I Need Thee, Every Hour I Need Thee".  

This is a song that has come up in the last week.  In my devotions, in my head as I woke at 3 am, on the radio, and in church.  Yes, what a beautiful way to Praise My Father as He reminds me, HE IS right here.

I'm a routine person, so next I went to eat my small breakfast and read devotions.  The scripture was Psalm 107.  This is one of my favorite Psalms.  God has so much to say in these words.  Over and over in this Psalm people cry out to God and EVERY SINGLE TIME - He hears and delivers them.  GOD offers hope and encouragement through these words.  When "mental stress" comes and no one else is here... GOD IS.  God IS right here.

The devotional today starts in the middle of the Psalm and I am drawn to verse 30 and 31.  As I'm thinking and stressing that I should DO something to have value, DO something to be respected, have a plan to DO, DO, DO, God reminds me of the storms He has taken me through.  We got through them together and now His word says to find "a blessing in the stillness and quiet".  Another version says, "they rejoiced when the waves grew quiet", and yet another, "they were glad when it grew calm".

So this is my season of stillness, of quiet, or calmness.  And I am to rejoice, praise Him, embrace it.




And then the next verse says "then He guided them to the harbor they longed for (their desired haven)".

So I know - after this chapter of  stillness and quiet - there is great adventure ahead because 





Tuesday, May 17, 2022

IT'S MAY 2022

 Wow - I haven't written in this blog for almost 5 years!  I've been reading my old entries - and I've enjoyed reading them, smiling at the memories, amazed by God's goodness and how He can use a weak and ordinary woman to show who He is!

Perhaps I'll try again to write - and share again this normal, messed up adventurous, ordinary life,  as reading these stirs something in me.  I like to write - it brings some fresh perspective out of me.

 It's Tuesday so the week is still new - but  --

~ I called my Aunt Ardis yesterday and sang her "Happy Birthday".  She's 6 1/2 years older than me so she's always been more like a big sister.   She has a strong sense of family and I always feel accepted and loved by her.  I love this and want to convey this same sense to my family.

~I texted a friend for some information only to find out she needs my support as a friend.  It was a God connection and I encouraged her and sent her God's words!  I am thankful to God for calling me to prayer and giving me His words so I can share them.  I want to continue to do this.

~It was my son-in-laws 40th birthday!  I am so blessed to have him in my life!  He is an adventure seeker and brings so much fun into our family.  I want to have more of this adventure sense!

~Marlys is a friend who has taught me about prayer and marriage and relationships.  I called and checked in with her as I want to visit and SEE her soon.  Marlys is losing her eyesight - yet she shows me Christlike strength and confidence.  She and her hubby were at the ocean - because she wants to SEE it one more time. This attitude of embracing life and being thankful is something I want to cultivate!

~Yesterday 5 of us girlfriends went to a small coffee shop to support the owner, to have a fun drink, to get out of town, and to visit.  It was a short trip, relaxing and fun and we prayed for one of the gals who is having a lot of drama in her life.  I was intentional in asking "can we prayer for you" and then -- well, praying.  Listening, being intentional, praying for and with others -- I want to do this more.

Some people have "bucket lists" -- I think of mine more of a "stirring list".  Things that stir my soul.  Stirred by the One who created me.