Thursday, July 26, 2012


It's coming off.
The layer of disgust and sorrow, pain and sadness that is painted on me.
As I organize and reorganize my house and get rid of excess stuff,
It's the same on the inside ....
I'm getting rid of stuff I don't need.
It just sits around and collects dust.
It's in the way!
So good-bye, farewell, to stuff!

I will exalt my God the King, I read in Psalm 145.
Oh to learn and know and live this.
To actually praise His name.
Every day.
Every breath.
This kind of living would not collect stuff that breaks, or tires,
or wears out, or wears me down.

This is abundant living.
Full living,
when I really let go of all the stuff, shedding it
and remembering
Who is worthy of praise.

Oh the Glorious Splender of a life reoganized by the Blessed Organizer.
My rooms are fresh and more spacious and inviting.
My inside is void of disgust, sorrow, pain and sadness.
It is full of joy,
and a love so divine and abundant
words cannot describe it.

Great is the Lord and Most Worthy to be Praised!
His Greatness No One can fathom!

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