Praise -- the 1st word that the Lord gave me for 2010. "Let all that I am Praise the Lord; with my whole heart, I will praise His Holy name." The Lord is calling me to Praise Him this year. How can I do that?
- I'm playing a praise song to start my prayer time. I put my CD's nearby and God seems to direct me to which song to play. (Of course I have a good selection - I love music.)
- I listen to Him and write down words that seem to pop out of the song or off the pages of my Bible
- I count my blessing -- and there are a million (I guess I can't count ALL of them everyday). I'm really trying to have a grateful heart.
I love Praising Him -- alone, in church, or in the car singing loud with my hubby.
Why do I praise Him? I read somewhere that praise is a powerful tool because God's presence comes to dwell in our midst when we worship Him.
PRESENCE - that's the 2nd word the Lord is giving me.
In His presence I will find healing and transformation for my life. Why do I need this?
- I am selfish & want to be more like Jesus and put Him in 1st place. I wrote in my journal a prayer about having a "hungry plea for His presence".
- I want healing - for different things in my life, one being my shoulder/neck/feet pain -- I want to prepare a place for His presence in my life and focus on Him, not my pain.
- As Jesus touches my heart with His presence He transforms me - not into a better person - but His. That blows me away!
Then HE send me His POWER - that's the 3rd word in the P group. His Gentle Holy Power. The Power He left us. It never ceased to amaze me. He sends me His power when I pray with others, when I hear myself giving them His words, with tears come for lost loved ones. I see His power through my hubby when he teaches God's word to others, I read about His power through others testimony on these blogs, I hear His Power today in the fierce and strong wind, I feel His power through the love of others.
Praise Him today.
Inquire & Require His Presence as a vital and daily need in your life.
Seek His Power and hand over the reigns over your life so His Power can flow through you every part of you!