Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Have Your Way.

Lying in bed the other night and trying to get to sleep......annoyed by my husband's persistent and loud coughing (we call it the Haugen cough), the Lord gave me this 4 word prayer ....
Lord, Have Your Way.

Have Your way, Lord

Not my way.

Your way.


I-- is off the hook.
I -- is not in charge.
I -- does not need her way.
I -- no longer has to worry or fret or plan or have an agenda.
I -- never had control anyway.

Have Your way, Lord.

He is already answering this prayer..........and what a Joyful, Peaceful, Amazing
WAY it is.


Lindsey said...

I am so thankful for you, mom. Thanks for sharing the prayer God gave you. That is my prayer too.

Kim said...

Amen! Love your blog.