Sunday, May 16, 2010

Blow your socks off miracles

A prayer

~~ May I hear your voice above all others
~~ May I following the Spirit's promptings
~~ May I DO Your Word Lord. (yes it's WORD = not a typo)
~~ Take me to a higher level of obedience.

When I prayed this prayer on April 30th - I had no idea what God was up to. He's always up to something -- and it's always miraculous and blows my socks off.

I also prayed for God to give me "supernatural ability and strength" when I traveled to Minneapolis for I could "use my gifts for Him". And HE did.

Blow your socks off miracles:

~~My "connected thru the heart" daughter from India called me the 1st night I was there (she didn't know I was in the cities), and I led her in a prayer to receive Jesus as her Lord and Savior. There are no words to describe this than to say "Our God is An Awesome God!"
~~My 7 year old grand-daughter Emma was sitting beside me on the couch and listening to me pray with Rushe. How special is that! I'm sure God had His reasons for this -- so this is .... to be continued as God writes the story....
~~Praying with and for Miracle - my 2 year old granddaughter - and every time I said AH-men - she would say A-men -- this also, will be continued ....
~~Taking care of Miracle and Matthias and my shoulders and back DID NOT hurt! I had claimed Zechariah 10:12, "You WILL strengthen me and I WILL walk up and down in Your name."

~~Sharing and talking with my sister about things dear and near to our hearts, promising to pray.
~~Meeting with a woman I had never met - a God connection thru my friend, Lisa, who ministers to her. I had been praying for her and God gave me specific verses to give her. I had nothing to give - but God did through me. May God strength and mold her through this encounter.
~~Meeting and praying with another woman I had never met - a God connection through her sister (whom I barely know). This was very encouraging and strengthening for both of us. I consider her a gift from God to me.
~~Buying a Bible with Rushe - a new daughter IN Christ and becoming her mentor.

When I think about it -- all of these are going to be continued ......
I wrote in my journal upon my return from this trip, "No words, not even thoughts or emotion can even come close to Who You are Lord." In Psalm 145 it says, "Your Greatness NO ONE can fathom." I thank the Lord He has let me glance - how favored I am to see :

~~His Mighty Acts
~~His Glorious Splendor
~~His Wonderful Works
~~His Great Deeds
~~His Abundant Goodness

1 comment:

Lindsey said...

This is Phil. Marilyn, thank you for being such a wonderful leader and example of a Godly woman for our family. Your recent experience in the cities was none other than God ordained. And God was moving in my family too in answer to my long time prayers for my sisters and Austin. Thank you for being you in front of my sisters and sharing about Rushe. Your witness to them and their trip to our Plymouth Covenant contributed to walls being broken down. Austin has been making spiritual comments like never before. Olivia is more open to spiritual topics now than she has been in a long time. She actually sent me a link this week to a really cool video of a Christian speaker! I am hoping to get Lindsey and Ole and maybe Maria to do a long distance Bible study together. And hopefully after that I can do one with Austin.

I am so excited to hear about God's next big move. And to be a part of His wonderful work is so amazing. Words cannot describe the experience, right? :)

I can't thank you enough for your prayers for me, Lindsey and the kids. Please don't stop praying for us. :) We will be praying for you and the Hunk!

Love, Phil