Thursday, June 16, 2011

Marriage: Love and War

Storms, foxes, adventure, swords, and sex are just a few of the things John & Stasi Edlredge associate with marriage in their book, "Love & War".  Their willingness to be transparent and open up their own lives helps us see ourselves and gives us hope for our own marriages.

Where most women I know have read Stasi's book, "Captivating" and loved it; I'd never read it, but have read John's book "Wild at Heart" and loved it!  Telling life like it is - that raw honesty is what I relate too.  I love learning about God's plan for us as married couples.  "Love & War" reminds me of this and how we all are a mess and get it wrong time and time again but can be overcomers and live with our spouses and love them and bless them and get up and start again each time we mess up. 

This does not read like a Christmas letter where life is perfect and everything is rosy.  It is real life being played out and shared.  The Eldridge's share their frustrations, fights, demons, and more and how to step to a new level of marriage with prayer, reading God's word, obedience, and surrender of self; something we all need and thirst for but many times don't know how or are unwilling to find.

Their hands on approach and common sense makes this book very easy to read and understand.  The advice they give is easy to follow.  The prayers shared in the back of the book are wonderful.  I have so many highlights and have started sharing quotes with my friends because there are so many things to relate to.

I received this book for free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for this review.
Thank you very much!

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