It might be easier to make my top 10 books I didn't like, and this list may change next year - but here goes. Actually I think I'm going to re-read these in 2011 - so that should help me make my list.
1. The Politically Incorrect Wife by Nancy Cobb and Connie Grisby
2. The Power of a Praying Wife by Stormie Ormartian
(God used these books to change my marriage and show me how wonderfully He designed a woman's role. I now have a passion for helping other women and have a top 10 list of marriage books.)
3. What Happens When Women Walk in Faith by Lisa Terkeurst
(God challenged me and changed my direction as I listened to His promptings and quit my job, spent time with my dad, and He directed my path.)
4. Making Jesus Lord by Loren Cunningham
5. Holiness by Henry Blackaby
(These books started showing me the importance of surrender and living by the power of the Holy Spirit.)
6. Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire by Jim Cymbala. (I love books on prayer - it's another of my passions.)
7. Calvary Road by Roy Hession (radial living)
8. Victory Over Darkness by Neil Anderson (know our identity in Christ - who we really are)
9. Emma's Journal by Ed Rowell (a fiction makes the list - I should have a top 10 fiction - this is about living for Him and learning and growing no matter what our age)
10. Experiencing His Presence by Tommy Tenney (challenged me - I read it slowly)
- If I had to give One Book to someone to read - it would be the Bible. Without God's life giving words I would be lost.
- If I could have only One Book - it would be the Bible - the Only Truth we have in this world.
- I would give up reading All books - to have one copy of the Book written by the lover of my soul - the Book that shines light and life into me.
- I don't care if you ever read any of the books on my top 10 list - but I have a burning passion for all to read the Bible and let it's power change their lives.
Thank you sharing these 10 books with me. I love to know details like this about you but just never seem to ask such questions. I love you mom. You inspire me to fall in love with Jesus more!
ohh i'm reading Emma's journal
will see if it makes my top ten
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