Monday, February 22, 2010

Grace blows on me

Amazing grace how sweet the sound
That save a wretch like me.......

wretch = a vile, destestable person reflecting the sorry state of an outcast or exile

vile = replusive, disgusting
detestable = hateful

I woke up with this song on my lips this morning.
Knowing that I am that wretched one and only His Amazing Grace saves me.

Jesus calls,
Will I answer?
Jesus sends,
Will I accept?
Jesus comes,
Will I let Him in?
Jesus reveals,
Will I listen?
Jesus heals,
Will I belief?
Jesus rescues,
Will I allow Him?
Jesus knocks,
Will I hear?
Jesus reaches,
Will I extend my hand?
Jesus washes,
Will I surrender?
Jesus loves,
Will I love?
Jesus died,
Will I weep?
Jesus rose,
Will I follow?

Monday, February 15, 2010

A stuffed nose and echoing ears

Yes - I have a cold. I feel like I'm sitting outside listening to the crickets (the noise in my ears) and I can't smell the fresh air or hardly breathe! (my stuffed nose) . My husband's has it bad too - his is wheezing and coughing and his cough can be heard a couple miles away and then there alot of spitting going on. Of yes, laugh if you must, we can't even sleep together. No it's a cough here, a cough there, a kleenix here, a kleenix there. And we're kinda .... dull....

Even though my senses have been dulled by Mr. Virus who came home with us from Minneapolis after an amazing weekend, God remains. His voice comes though, His aroma is still strong.


~~When I met a young single mom who needed to talk, God brought His word to my mind to share with her.
~~God prompted me to pray for a friend, write her an email and encourage her in a difficult marriage.
~~When my hubby prays with me - seems like this cold slowed him down and praying together again has been a Joy!
~~In His word - I'm reading through the Bible this year. Today I started in Leviticus - the book of worship. How appropriate and wonderful with my word being Praise this year!
~~He continues to teach me about His presence through devotionals and books. Right now I'm reading "Living the Lord's Prayer". I'll share some quotes later.
~~In the lives of the the 7 women in our community Bible study. They are a gift.
~~Through a young couple who we've sort of adopted, praying with them and listening, encouraging.

Everywhere we go and every experience we have we can hear His promptings and leave His aroma. How's your hearing? Is your nose stuffed up? What are you smelling lately?

2 Corinthians 2:15 - For we are the aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing.

Exquisite fragrance, a sweet scent rising up to the Lord. Now that's the kind of thing I want to smell.