Friday, October 2, 2009


Life takes unexpected turns, and the simple things we expect in life are sometimes turned to the unexpected. One minute we are on our knees with a smile of joy and the next we are in tears and joy is hanging onto us.

Excitement and wonder were present when Jerry and I arrived at our daughters. I was so excited to hold my new grandson, Matthias, for the first time. He kicked his little long feet and moved his arms around. He slept peacefully, then stirred for this mommy, it was time to nurse. I held him through the movie we watched together. It was wonderful, a new life, soft, cuddly, your daughter's son, laying in your arms.

We watched the movie "Faith Like Potatoes", a story of hanging on to hope when your circumstances seem impossible. Little did we know we would be learning a similiar message in the days to come.

Friday at 6:30 a.m. Matthias didn't want to respond or breathe. This started our journey of hope, prayer, and holding on to faith, and God's intervention in only ways that He can intervene.

My daughter called me with a quote last night that says, "Absence of fear is the presence of faith". Faith to know with confidence that God was breathing for Matthias when he was not. Faith in the ways of God.

For a grandma to stand above the bed of her infant grandson, hooked up to a ventilator and what seemed a million tubes, was surreal, but in standing there, the only thing to do was pray and give Him to one who created Him.

For a mom to sit beside you daughter when she could not hold her little baby, was again surreal. But I was blessed by the quiet confidence and living strength given to her by the Word of God.

Confidence, strength, hope, faith, they are all waiting for us, gifts from the Almighty. And the greatest thing He gives us is when He breathes life into us -- as He did for Matthias. Praise Him our King of Kings.